Tuesday 13 November 2007

Understanding Traffic exchanges

Understanding Traffic exchanges

Planning: Decide on your Traffic sites

Preparation: Enter all links in your database

Manual 10 sec

Manual 15 sec

Manual 20 sec

Manual 25 sec

Start exchanges

Auto surf no login

Auto surf Login required

Save to bookmark / favorites in headings as above

Update all down-line builders on each traffic exchange you belong to, this will help you to see which are the best sites to join; as well as making sure that you get a good signup rate across all your sites.

Make up splash pages for all sites that do not provide them.

Put all your Splash Page Referral URLS for your traffic sites in to a Rotator, That way you can advertise all sites together in rotation to boost your down-lines across the board.

Update all the URLs that you want to advertise on all your traffic exchanges.

Update all Banner codes

Update all Text ads

Apply auto credits as percentage, as required

Any surplus credits from bonuses, etc. can be added once a month when you do general maintenance.

Surf for 1 hour minimum or more each day. Rotate through all your sites till you have surfed them all.. Happy Surfing.

Key words: Traffic exchanges, Traffic sites, down-line builders, Banners, Text ads, Credits, Rotator, Splash page, Dee Hudson

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice Post!
Thanks for sharing the information...